Your NYSFA Board of directors has met for their spring board meeting. This important budget meeting is where we address the financial asks of the membership, as well as the dates for the field meet as discussed at the Membership Meeting in December of 2023. Finally, we did final site selection for the 2024 Field Meet.
Budget for 2024
With the increase to dues approved at the end of last year, and the slower field meet due to the date change, the board opted to amend the budget to account for these shortfalls. Fortunately, printing costs have dropped on the magazines, and changing the way we manage field meet shirts and pins will both allow for us to meet the club's budget needs. Shirts will go to a preorder system, and our printers will change to a less expensive, geographically closer option. You can find the final budget in the Board Documents section of the website, while logged into your membership account.
Field Meet 2024
Due to the Oneonta site being booked on the club memberships preferred dates, of November 8-9. Since the meet has been getting less than or equal to 100 participants for the last few years, the board opted to move the field meet to White Eagle Resort on November 8-9 2024, a popular old location that newcomers will be sure to love.
Summer Picnic
Our summer picnic will be hosted by Sean, with dates TBA. The Field Meet speaker is under discussion. More details can be found in the Board Documents section of the website.