Finger Lakes Field Meet

Calling all Falconers! 

A few members of the NYSFA are gathering for an informal field meet which has become an annual event in recent history dubbed the Finger Lakes Field Meet in central New York.  Similar to years past,  we would like to invite other Falconers interested in getting together for a day afield, hunting birds of prey.  We have access to some land around the Skaneatles area with a good population of squirrels and cottontail rabbits and possibly even the occasional snowshoe hare and are planning to hunt on Saturday February 24th.  More details to follow, but we are in the process of arranging some possibilities for  lodging in the area for those interested in coming up the evening before as well as gathering for a dinner somewhere in the broader Finger Lakes region for the evening of Saturday the 24th.  

Please RSVP to Dan Storaska: with the subject line (Finger Lakes Field Meet) with your interest and we will get an itinerary to you.