The 2024 Field Meet shirts have artwork by NYSFA's own, Helena Williams. See more of Helena Williams' art at
About the 2024 Shirts
We used to print shirts in batches of a couple hundred, just to get the hundred or so we needed in the right size. We were never sure who would show up to the meet, and often the President ended up storing old shirts in their garage for years. Not only was this inefficient and more expensive every year, we also could only do one color, one logo, one design, and had limited ability to offer old shirts. With this system, we get a small amount of the proceeds to go toward field meet costs, which actually makes the meet and banquet fee lower than it has been in years past - so if you don't want the shirt, it saves you money, and if you do want the shirt, it gives you a ton more options to support the club.
Please note these shirts must be ordered in advance of the meet.