We're looking forward to the 2021 Field Meet, which will be held in Oneonta on Nov 5-7. This year we have a cool slate of events, activities and raffles planned to help kick off the new year of hawking! Details are to come, but for now, here are some of the highlights!
- Guest Speaker, TBA - Stay tuned!
- Fundamentals of Falconry I and additional classes by NYS General and Master falconers
- An amazing raffle of all sorts of falconry-related items
- Banquet and socializing, telling of "falconry field stories" and more!
- And of course, hawking in the surrounding gorgeous countryside!
The meet is at the Quality Inn located at 5206 State Highway 23 Oneonta NY 13820. A block of rooms has been reserved for our event at the special price of $79 per night.
Call them today to reserve yourself a room. (607) 433-2250
Register online now and save $5 off the meet fee.
That sounds awesome! How can I help?
Right now you might be saying "I've wanted to get more involved in the club, but what can I do?" Well, we need folks to volunteer to run classes, be extra hands in the weathering yard, and help scout out a variety of great hunting sites (not just for red-tails, but for them too!). If you're interested in volunteering to help in any way, contact the club president, Sean O'Mahoney at president@nysfa.org.
Are you a photographer?
We need photos of the field meet for the website and the Mews News - rather than having our board wander around snapping photos on their cell phones, we'd like to find someone with a professional skillset and an interest in falconry. Contact editor@nysfa.org