The 2021 Field Meet is coming together! We have a couple big things we want to talk to you about. First off, the board and Sean have been putting together a fantastic slate of activities on Saturday. Some classes, a photographer, a guest speaker, hawking, a membership meeting, banquet and - of course - auction!
Register by clicking here, or read on for more detail

2021 Field Meet Schedule
- 12pm - Registraion & weathering yard open
- 12pm - Sunset – HUNTING
- 5 pm - Weathering Yard Closed
- 5 pm - Fundamentals of Falconry, 101: Perfect for interested beginners, great way to meet new people
- 6 pm Pizza Party! Great way to meet new folks and greet old friends
- 7 am – Weathering Yard Open
- 7 am - Various hunting groups coordinated privately, or via forum or FB
- 10 am - Coping class: Learn to do beaks and talons
- 12 pm - Lunch hour
- 2 pm – Raptor equipment Basics (anklets, jesses, leashes, etc.)
- 4 pm -Weathering yard Closed
- 4:30 pm - Membership Meeting (fully dues paid members only)
- 6 pm - Banquet, guest speaker and auction
Important Updates to Weather Yard Rules

Updated Weathering Yard Rules. The 2019 NYSFA Board passed the following changes to the Field Meet Weathering Yard Rules. Due to COVID, this will be the first meet where they are in effect. Please review them prior to attending, and plan accordingly.
NYSFA Weathering Yard Rules:
At all field meets, the club will provide a fenced and gated area (weathering yard) for perching out hawks. The club will also provide volunteers (yard wardens) to supervise the weathering yard.
The following rules will apply:
- No tid-bitting or feeding is allowed in, or within sight of, the weathering yard.
- perches greater than the height of the hawk, Not to exceed 24”
- Hawks need to be tied so that they fit within a 6' X 6' (24sq. ft.) area.
- Adequate space must be made between perches. Perch spacing will be marked with a flag
- No dogs allowed in the weathering yard.
- No loitering inside the weathering yard.
- No photography inside the yard. (There are exceptions, and may require an escort. Please inquire with the yard warden).
- No "fishing tackle" (coastal locks, etc.) allowed.
- No threaded links, spring clips, split rings allowed.
- Flat bottom indoor perches must have at least two tent pegs/ spikes into the ground to prevent dragging
- Bath pans are encouraged for hawks on low perches.
- Hawks must be removed from the weathering outside of posted hours
- The yard warden has final authority.
- Hawks are placed in the weathering area at the owner’s risk. While all efforts will be made to ensure the safety of all hawks placed in the weathering yard, NYSFA accepts no responsibility for the safety or welfare of hawks placed in the weathering yard.
COVID-19 and the Field Meet
Please note this policy is subject to change and open to feedback, up to the date of the meet itself. If you have concerns, questions, or comments for the board, please reach out to This is a work in progress, and will be updated accordingly.

It's been a strange year, and we know this question will come up. In an effort to have a simple, understandable policy so everyone knows what to expect, these are the expectations for all attendees of the NYSFA 2021 Field Meet:
- Unless eating or drinking, all attendees will wear a mask or other face-covering at all times while indoors.
- Outdoor masking is not required, unless unvaccinated and within 6 feet of other attendees.
- Presenters who may need to use their mouth for hooding / unhooding are permitted to forgo a mask. We will take steps to keep presenters a distance of at least 6 feet from all other attendees.
These guidelines are based on current best practices and CDC recommendations. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in making this a field meet.
In need of Volunteers

Many hands make light work. Sometimes even donating an hour or two of your weekend can really help us out.
- Check-in & Registration: throughout the weekend. As always we need help taking everyone’s money, collecting items for the auction, and being a welcoming face for those arriving
- Weathering yard wardens: throughout the weekend. Even donating an hour or two of your time would be a help. A great many people enjoy hanging out around the weathering yard much of the weekend, just asking that you do a little extra.
- Teacher(s) and Bird(s) needed for the coping class: Even if you only have a bird that your willing for us to work on, That helps
- Teacher for the equipment basics class: Teach how to make anklets, jesses, leashes, etc. discuss types & materials, and why we use them.
- Auction Set up: Saturday Afternoon. Alicia had done a great job the past few years with putting it together. But a few hands to sling tables, write labels, and help organize will make All the difference
- Auction Runners: a few able bodies for delivery duty during the auction can help us get thru it as fast as possible.
If you would like to help out with any of these, please let Sean know by emailing The sooner the better.